Jan 25, 2021

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How Much Does Pool Service Cost In Phoenix 2021?

How Much Does Pool Service Cost In Phoenix 2022

The average cost of pool service in Phoenix is $233 per one time cleaning. Average cost of pool service for one time cleaning in Phoenix ranged from $121 to $372 in 2021. See below to find prices for regular cleanings and other maintenance projects.

  • Weekly pool service in Phoenix costs $125. Average weekly pool service in Phoenix  ranged from $100-$150 in 2021.
  • Bi-weekly pool service in Phoenix costs $125. Average bi-weekly pool service in Phoenix ranged from $100-$150 in 2021.
  • Monthly pool service in Phoenix costs $115. Average Monthly pool service in Phoenix ranged from $80-$150 in 2021.
  • The average opening and closing swimming pool maintenance cost is $450. Average opening and closing swimming pool maintenance ranged from $300 to $60 in 2021.
  • The average other services (filter replacement, repairs, utilities) maintenance cost is $400. Average other services (filter replacement, repairs, utilities) maintenance cost ranged from $140-$665 in 2021.

Average Pool Cleaning Service Prices

Most swimming pool professionals charge anywhere between $75 to $100 per hour. Many offer a full range of services including but not limited to regular cleanings to maintenance of equipment to closing and opening he pool at the end of and the beginning of the season. Exact pricing can be determined by getting a free quote and the final cost will depend on the type of pool you own and its size.

Price To Clean An Above-Ground Pool vs. An In-Ground Pool

According to Homeadvisor $75-$100 per hour are the expected charges for cleaning, regardless of pool type. This is because both need the sides and bottom of the pool swept either by an automated cleaner or manually.

Looking from an average standpoint, it can be generally said total cleaning rates are less for above ground units for both those without and with a deck, just because of their more compact size when you compare them to in-ground pools. Because the interior is easy to access, the job takes less time, hence the lesser charges.

How Much Does Salt Water Pool Service Cost In Phoenix?

Salt and the cost of chemicals range from $70-$100 per year. In addition, you need to budget for $200-$800 every 3 to 7 years for the replacement of the salt cell. While there is greater up front cost of build a salt water unit, usually there are lower costs of maintenance that help offset some of the initial outlay.

Salt causes corrosion and it my (or may not) shorten the life of heaters, seals and other equipment. A professional can do a thorough inspection and suggest preventative measures to minimize the damage to your equipment. A good example of this is placing a disc made from zinc (cost $15) in your skimmer to absorb the corrosion.

Indoor Pool Maintenance Costs

Far less maintenance is required for an indoor pool but they do use around $15 of chemicals every month. Indoor structures are not exposed to dirt and debris like outdoor pools are, all the more so if you purchase a pool cover that can range in price from just $30 for a simple woven cover to more than $10,000 for an automatic version. Covers also have the advantage of helping to keep the water warm and they also reduce humidity.

Advantages of Using A Professional Pool Service

Professional and experienced Technicians must be familiar with engineering, plumbing, electrical components and chemistry to service your pool properly. However, many national companies who have high rates of turnover because of low pay frequently rely on inexperienced new employees. However, a local expert will likely offer a level of experience, ability and local knowledge that are worth a great deal. You should also search for and read positive online reviews for companies near to where you are located.

Annual Cost To Upkeep A Pool

The average cost of basic yearly upkeep on a pool is $1,500. On the high end you can expect to pay around $1,800 per year down to around $1,200 on the low end yearly upkeep costs. When you add in repairs and utilities, homeowners can expect to spend an average of $4,000 a year with costs ranging from $3,00-$5,000 per year for the pool to be kept in a good working condition.

How Much Does Weekly Pool Service Cost In Phoenix?

If you want a professional to perform weekly or bi-weekly maintenance on your pool you are gonig to be looking at costs ranging from $100 and $150 per month with an average of $125. Usually sold as service packages, they typically include the following:

  • Emptying Skimmers.
  • Applying Chemicals,
  • Checking Water Levels
  • Water Chemistry Testing

These services are vitally important to keep the pool safe and clean for use and packages like these are often the best option for homeowners who want to enjoy their pool but do not have time to complete the tasks themselves.

How Much Does Monthly Pool Service Cost In Phoenix?

Professional maintenance by an experienced technician runs on average $115 per month and ranges from a low of $80 to a high of $150 per month, depending on the services you require. Below gives you an idea for of costing for different maintenance packages and the services they include.

$80 per month

  • Test water pH.
  • Check equipment, filters and settings.

$90 per month

  • Test water pH.
  • Check equipment, filters and settings.
  • Brushing
  • Empty baskets and traps
  • Robotic cleaners check

$150 per month

  • Test water pH.
  • Check equipment, filters and settings.
  • Brushing
  • Empty baskets and traps
  • Robotic cleaners check
  • Vacuum
  • Skim

Free Pool Cleaning Estimates in Ahwatukee, Arizona

Receive a free pool care estimate in Ahwatukee, Arizona, by giving BPC Pool Maintenance a call today at 480-907-7959. Learn more about our pool service in Ahwatukee.